Journal of Hazardous Materials, Vol.262, 896-904, 2013
Arsenic release from arsenopyrite weathering: Insights from sequential extraction and microscopic studies
At a former As mine site, arsenopyrite oxidation has resulted in formation of scorodite and As-bearing iron hydroxide, both in host rock and mine tailings. Electron microprobe analysis documents that arsenopyrite weathers along two pathways: one that involves formation of sulfur, and one that does not. In both pathways, arsenopyrite oxidizes to form scorodite, which dissolves incongruently to form As-bearing iron hydroxides. From a mass balance perspective, arsenopyrite oxidation to scorodite conserves As, but as scorodite dissolves incongruently to iron hydroxides, As is released to solution, resulting in elevated As concentrations in the headwater stream adjacent to the site. The As-bearing iron hydroxide is the dominant solid phase reservoir of As in mine tailings and stream sediment, as suggested by sequential extraction. This As-bearing iron hydroxide is stable under the aerobic and pH 4-6 conditions at the site; however, changes in biogeochemical conditions resulting from sediment burial or future remedial efforts, which could promote As release from this reservoir due to reductive dissolution, should be avoided. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.