Journal of Loss Prevention in The Process Industries, Vol.20, No.3, 251-259, 2007
Development and applications of CPR - A 3D consequence analysis software for educational use
In this research, a simple package called CPR 2.0 software was developed according to the algorithm suggested by AIChE/CCPS and implemented using Compaq Visual Fortran (CVF 6.6) programming language and METFOR 3.0 Fortran 90/95 Library. This multipurpose software includes nine sets of programs that can be used in combination or separately to calculate physical, effect, and vulnerability consequences; their results can also be easily processed into different tables and figures. A set of three-dimensional (3D) gas release contours with different concentration isosurfaces and transient dispersion states floating above a local map can be easily observed from different angles in order to facilitate emergency response planning and educational training. The software has been benchmarked with CHEMS-PLUS software via a methane release case and the result from the two packages is compared and analyzed. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.