Materials Science Forum, Vol.396-4, 1205-1210, 2002
Effects of Sn addition on microstructure, extrudability, mechanical properties and machinability of a 6082 alloy
Three 6082 alloys with the same baseline composition, one without Sri and two with 0.28 wt.%Sn and 1 wt.%Sn, respectively, were DC cast as O95mm extrusion billets. In the microstructure of the homogenised billets, Sri was found either as pure Sri particles or as Mg2Sn particles. The addition of Sri lead to a decrease both in the hot deformation resistance during extrusion and in the critical temperature for tearing. For 0.28% Sri these two effects counterbalanced, so that the extrusion speed limit with respect to tearing is equal to the alloy without Sri. For the 1%Sn alloy the drop in critical temperature lead to a reduction in 60% of the extrusion speed limit with respect to tearing as compared to the other two alloys. As for mechanical properties, it was observed that Sri has a strong effect on the age hardening response when the material was solutionised and quenched immediately before the age hardening. The machinability of the alloys was tested on both billet material and on extruded profiles. Sri had no effect on the billet material, but adding 1 wt.%Sn greatly enhanced the chip formation of the extruded profiles.