Materials Science Forum, Vol.404-7, 197-201, 2002
Determination of residual stresses in carburized, quenched and tempered AISI 8620 steel
The residual stresses (RSs), which result from processing, have a great influence on the mechanical behavior of components, particularly when these components are subject to failure mechanisms. The failure mechanisms, in turn, depend on local conditions such as fatigue, brittle fracture or stress-corrosion-cracking. In the case of carburized parts, the influence of RSs becomes particularly critical for thin walls, when overlapping carburized cases may result, having a detrimental influence on the fatigue resistance. This paper presents RSs results, obtained throug x-rays diffraction measured on the surface of carburized sheets of AISI 8620 steel, 0.5mm to 10 mm thick. The results show the influence of core hardness on the RSs on the surface, particularly when the effective case depth is larger than half the thickness. The influence of a stress relieving treatment at 180 C is also reported.