Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Vol.3, No.3, 177-181, September, 1997
Photoluminescent Properties of Zinc Gallate doped with Tm, Ce, Dy and Mn
The luminescent properties of the Tm, Ce, Dy and Mn-doped synthesized with solid state reaction method were studied. Under 254 nm excitation, zinc gallate exhibited a broad-band emission extending from 330 nm to 510 nm, peaking at 450 nm. The emission intensity of 0.015 mole % Tm-doped zinc gallate is allmost twice as much as that of undoped zinc gallate On the otller hand, Mn-doped zinc gallate showed a new strong narrow-band emission, peaking at 504 nm, and the maximum intensity at the doping concentration of 0.006 mole % Mn
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