Solid-State Electronics, Vol.94, 23-27, 2014
Optimization of uniaxial stress for high electron mobility on biaxially-strained n-MOSFETs
The uniaxial stress effect for high electron mobility on biaxially-strained n-MOSFET is investigated by using a one-dimensional self-consistent Schrodinger-Poisson solver. The electron mobility model includes Coulomb, intravalley phonon, intervalley phonon, and surface roughness scattering. We have found that the uniaxial stress effect on biaxially-strained n-MOSFET is significantly different from the uniaxial stress effect on unstrained Si n-MOSFET. It is well known that longitudinal and transverse tensile uniaxial stresses are advantageous for strain-induced high electron mobility. However, we found that the uniaxial strain condition for electron mobility enhancement is changed when it is applied to the biaxially- strained n-MOSFET. To optimize the combined effect of uniaxial and biaxial strain, the longitudinal tensile and transverse compressive uniaxial stresses are advantageous and vertical stress is not helpful for biaxially-strained n-MOSFET. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.