Korean Chemical Engineering Research, Vol.53, No.1, 11-15, February, 2015
비담지 Co-B, Co-P-B 촉매를 이용한 NaBH4 가수분해 반응
Hydrolysis Reaction of NaBH4 using Unsupported Co-B, Co-P-B Catalyst
휴대용 고분자전해질 연료전지의 수소발생용으로써 NaBH4는 많은 장점을 갖고 있다. 본 연구에서는 비담지 Co-B, Co-P-B 촉매의 NaBH4 가수분해 특성에 대해 연구하였다. 촉매의 BET 표면적, 수소 수율, NaBH4 농도 영향, 촉매 내 구성 등을 실험하였다. 비담지 Co-B 촉매의 BET 표면적은 75.7 m2/g으로 FeCrAlloy에 담지한 Co-B 촉매에 비해 BET 면적이 18배 높았다. 회분식 반응기에서 비담지 촉매들은 NaBH4 20~25 wt% 사용조건에서 97.6~98.5%의 높은 수소수율을 보였다. NaBH4 농도가 30 wt%로 증가하면서 수소수율은 95.3~97.0%로 감소하였다. 비담지 촉매의 촉매 손실율은 FeCrAlloy에 담지 촉매에 비해 낮았으며, NaBH4 농도가 증가하면서 촉매 손실율도 증가하였다. 연속 반응기에서 1.2 g 비담지 Co-P-B 촉매를 사용해서 약 3ℓ/min 발생속도로 가수분해 반응하여 90%의 수소 수율을 얻었다.
Sodium borohydride, NaBH4, shows a number of advantages as hydrogen source for portable proton exchange membrane fuel cells(PEMFCs). Properties of NaBH4 hydrolysis reaction using unsupported Co-B, Co-P-B catalyst were studied. BET surface area of catalyst, yield of hydrogen, effect of NaBH4 concentration and durability of catalyst were measured. The BET surface area of unsupported Co-B catalyst was 75.7 m2/g and this value was 18 times higher than that of FeCrAlloy supported Co-B catalyst. The hydrogen yield of NaBH4 hydrolysis reaction by unsupported catalysts using 20~25 wt% NaBH4 solution was 97.6~98.5% in batch reactor. The hydrogen yield decrease to 95.3~97.0% as the concentration of NaBH4 solution increase to 30 wt%. The loss of unsupported catalyst was less than that of FeCrAlloy supported catalyst during NaBH4 hydrolysis reaction and the loss increased with increasing of NaBH4 concentration. In
continuous reactor, hydrogen yield of NaBH4 hydrolysis was 90% using 1.2 g of unsupported Co-P-B catalyst with 3ℓ/min hydrogen generation rate.
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