Korean Journal of Materials Research, Vol.18, No.3, 117-122, March, 2008
다층 PCB 빌드업 기판용 마이크로 범프 도금에 미치는 전해조건의 영향
Effects of Electroplating Condition on Micro Bump of Multi-Layer Build-Up PCB
Micro-sized bumps on a multi-layered build-up PCB were fabricated by pulse-reverse copper electroplating. The values of the current density and brightener content for the electroplating were optimized for suitable performance with maximum efficiency. The micro-bumps thus electroplated were characterized using a range of analytical tools that included an optical microscope, a scanning electron microscope, an atomic force microscope and a hydraulic bulge tester. The optical microscope and scanning electron microscope analyses results showed that the uniformity of the electroplating was viable in the current density range of 2-4 A/dm2; however, the uniformity was slightly degraded as the current density increased. To study the effect of the brightener concentration, the concentration was varied from zero to 1.2 ml/L. The optimum concentration for micro-bump electroplating was found to be 0.6 ml/L based on an examination of the electroplating properties, including the roughness, yield strength and grain size.
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