Korean Journal of Materials Research, Vol.17, No.4, 185-191, April, 2007
Hybrid Sol을 이용한 박막 유전체 제작
Fabrication of Thin Film Dielectric by Hybrid Sol
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the thin fihn dielectric made of hybrid sol, which consist of barium titanate powder, polymeric sol and other polymers. This sol will be used dielectric applied to small, thin electric passive components such as MLCC(Multi Layer Ceramic Condenser), resister, inductor. This sol is composed of mixed fine barium titanate powder and polymeric sol including Ba, Ti-precursor, solvent, chelating agent, chemical reaction catalyst, the additive sols to improve fired densification and temperature reliability. First at all, we mixed hybrid sol to be dispersed and be stabilized by ball milling for 24hrs. By spin coating method, we makes thin film dielectric on the convectional green sheet for MLCC. After heat treatments, we analyzes the structure morphology, physical, electrical properties and X5R Temperature properties.
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