Korean Journal of Materials Research, Vol.16, No.1, 58-62, January, 2006
희토류계 Erbium을 도핑한 ZnO 형광체의 발광특성
Luminescent Properties of Er-Doped ZnO Phosphors
Effects of doping concentration and annealing atmosphere on the luminescent properties of [Math Processing Error] doped ZnO phosphor powders were investigated. Photoluminescence (PL) spectra of ZnO:Er exhibit an orange emission band at around 575 nm, while those of pure ZnO show a green emission at 520 nm. Emission difference between ZnO:Er and pure ZnO is attributed to the energy transfer of Er ions in ZnO. The highest PL intensity is obtained by doping 1 mol% Er to ZnO. Luminescent properties of ZnO:Er phosphors annealed at [Math Processing Error] +vacuum atmosphere are superior to those annealed at [Math Processing Error] atmosphere.
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