Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, Vol.364, No.1-2, 79-86, 1994
Cyclic Voltammetric Behavior of Certain Copper Azole Systems Using Carbon-Paste Electrodes
Pure carbon paste electrodes and chemically modified carbon paste electrodes were used to evaluate the relative ability of certain azoles in inhibiting the corrosion of copper. Three different types of experiments were performed : (1) cyclic voltammetric studies of the azole-modified carbon paste electrodes in Cu(I)-containing supporting electrolyte; (2) cyclic voltammetric studies of pure carbon paste electrodes in supporting electrolytes containing both Cu(I) and the particular azole; (3) cyclic voltammetric studies using Cu(I)-modified and Cu(II)-modified carbon paste electrodes after dipping the electrodes in azole-containing solutions. The magnitude of the anodic dissolution of copper under these conditions is correlated to the corrosion inhibition efficiency. The corrosion rates measured for copper in sodium chloride in the presence of these azoles as inhibitors support this correlation.