Korean Journal of Materials Research, Vol.13, No.11, 749-755, November, 2003
이산화탄소를 이용한 등방성 탄소섬유의 활성화과정 중 발생하는 구조변화(II)-TEM을 이용한 분석
Microstructural Changes during Activation Process of Isotopic Carbon Fibers using CO2 Gas(II)-TEM Study
A development of micropores of activated isotropic carbon fibers from TEM was observed. It was observed that the micropores of activated carbon fibers(ACFs) were consisted of slit-shaped pores(SP) and cylinder-shaped pores(CP). The SPs were formed between two parallel-carbon layers, and the CPs were formed at a place which is connected polygonally by more than two carbon layers. It was shown that the CPs of the ACFs were developed at high degree of burn-offs and at high activation temperature. The pore size distribution of the best ACF, which was observed at a highest value of specific surface area(3,495 /g), showed a continuous distribution in the range of about , and the median pore size was 6.7. The super-high specific surface area of ACFs was found to be due to that the SPs were connected with a maximum size of 7∼8 continuously, It is possible that the SPs should be formed in the ACFs in order to show super-high SSA.
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