Korean Journal of Materials Research, Vol.13, No.4, 259-265, April, 2003
ITO박막/세라믹유전체 구조의 이동통신 주파수대역용 박형 전파흡수체의 설계 및 제조
Design and Fabrication of Thin Microwave Absorbers of ITO/Dielectric Structures Used for Mobile Telecommunication Frequency Bands
For the aim of thin microwave absorbers used in mobile telecommunication frequency band, this study proposed a high permittivity dielectrics(λ/4 spacer) coated with ITO thin films of 377 Ω /sq(impedance transformer). High frequency dielectric properties of ferroelectric ceramics, electrical properties of ITO thin films and microwave absorbing properties of ITO/dielectrics were investigated. Ferroelectric materials including BaTiO 3 (BT), 0.9Pb( Mg 1 3/Nb 2 3/) O 3 -0.1 PbTiO 3 (PMN-PT), 0.8 Pb (Mg 1 3/ Nb 2 3/) O 3 -0.2 Pb( Zn 1 3 N b2 3/) O 3 (PMN-PZN) were prepared by ceramic processing for high permittivity dielectrics,. The ferroelectric materials show high dielectric constant and dielectric loss in the microwave frequency range. The microwave absorbance (at 2 ㎓) of BT, 0.9PMN-0.1PT, and 0.8PMN-0.2PZN were found to be 60%(at a thickness of 3.5 mm), 20% (2.5 mm), and 30% (2.5 mm), respectively. By coating the ITO thin films on the ferroelectric substrates with λ/4 thickness, the microwave absorbance is greatly improved. Particularly, when the surface resistance of ITO films is closed of 377 Ω /sq, the reflection loss is reduced to -20 ㏈(99% absorbance). This is attributed to the wave impedance matching controlled by ITO thin films at a given thickness of high permittivity dielectrics of λ/4 (3.5 mm for BT, 2.5 mm for PMN-PT and PMN-PZN at 2 ㎓). It is, therefore, successfully proposed that the ITO/ferroelectric materials with controlled surface resistance and high dielectric constant can be useful as a thin microwave absorbers in mobile telecommunication frequency band.
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