Korean Journal of Materials Research, Vol.13, No.1, 11-17, January, 2003
Recessed-gate 4H-SiC MESFET의 DC특성에 관한 연구
Study on DC Characteristics of 4H-SiC Recessed-Gate MESFETs
DC characteristics of recessed gate 4H-SiC MESFET were investigated using the device/circuit simulation tool, PISCES. Results of theoretical calculation were compared with the experimental data for the extraction of modeling parameters which were implemented for the prediction of DC and gate leakage characteristics at high temperatures. The current-voltage analysis using a fixed mobility model revealed that the short channel effect is influenced by the defects in SiC. The incomplete ionization models are found out significant physical models for an accurate prediction of SiC device performance. Gate leakage is shown to increase with the device operation temperatures and to decrease with the Schottky barrier height of gate metal.
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