Korean Journal of Materials Research, Vol.13, No.1, 64-68, January, 2003
TiNi/6061Al 복합재료의 인장특성에 미치는 열처리의 영향
e Effect of Heat Treatment on the Tensile Properties of TiNi/6061Al Composites
The 1.6 vol% and 2.5 vol% TiNi/6061Al composites were fabricated by permanent mold casting for investigating the effect of heat treatment on tensile strength for composites. The tensile strength without T6 treatment at 293 K was increased with increasing the volume fraction of TiNi fiber and at 363 K the higher the pre-strain, the higher the tensile strength. The tensile strength of the composite with T 6 treatment at 293 K was found to increase with increasing both the amount of pre-strain and the volume fraction of TiNi fiber and was higher than that without T 6 treatment. It should be noted that the tensile strength 2.5vol%TiNi/6061Al composites rolled at a 38% reduction ratio was the maximum value of 298 MPa. The tensile strength of composites decreased with increasing the reduction ratio over 38% because of the rupture of TiNi fiber.
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