Korean Journal of Materials Research, Vol.12, No.7, 573-579, July, 2002
화학양론 조성의 뮬라이트 합성거동과 입자형상에 미치는 전구체 pH의 영향
Effects of Precursor pH on Synthesizing Behavior and Morphology of Mullite in Stoichiometric Composition
Stoichiometric mullite ( 3Al 2 O 3 . 2SiO 2 ) precursor sol has been prepared by sol-gel method. The effects of the precursor pH and sintering temperature on the synthesizing behavior and morphology of mullite have been studied. Mullite precursor sol was prepared by dissolution of aluminum nitrate enneahydrate (Al( NO 3 ) 3 .9H 2 O)intothemixtureofsilicasol.PrecursorpHofthesolswascontrolledtoacidiccondition( PH\leq1 1.5)andtobasiccondition( pH\geq8.5 9).Thesynthesizedaluminosilicatesolswereformedunder20MPapressureafterdryingat 150^{\circ}Cfor24hours,andthensinteredfor3hoursinthetemperaturerangeof 1100~1600^{\circ}C.FromTGA/DTAanalysis,totalweightlossinthealuminosilicategeloftheacidicsamplewas(equationomitted)56 1200^{\circ}Cand 1300^{\circ}C,respectively.Themorphologiesofthesynthesizedmullitewerefineandneedle?like(orrod?like)foracidicsample,andgranularforbasicsamplethathasbeensinteredabove 1300^{\circ}C$ . It was found that the morphology of mullite particle was predominantly governed by precursor pH and sintering temperature.
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