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Korean Journal of Materials Research, Vol.12, No.3, 169-175, March, 2002
수열합성법에 의한 반도성 나노 (Ba 1-x Sb x )TiO 3 분말제조 및 PTCR 특성평가
Preparation and PTCR Characteristics of Semiconductive Nano (Ba 1-x Sb x )TiO 3 Ceramic PowderS by Hydrothermal Process
Semiconductive nano (Ba 1?x Sb x )TiO 3 powders were synthesized by the hydrothermal process and Sb was simultaneously doped in the hydrothermal condition. (Ba 1?x Sb x )TiO 3 powders obtained from optimum condition(at 20 0 ? C for 3hr) exhibited spherical shape, high purity and nano size. The PTCR characteristics was observed when 0.1 and 0.2 mole% Sb were added and sintered at over 130 0 ? C for 1 hour, respectively. And The ceramics exhibit the PTCR characteristics with a resistively jump ratio( \rho max / \rho min ) of about 10 4 . Also we found that PTCR characteristics were dependent on the microstructure.
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