Journal of Physical Chemistry A, Vol.118, No.43, 10134-10143, 2014
Quantum Dynamics of the Abstraction Reaction of H with Cyclopropane
The dynamics of the abstraction reaction of H atoms with the cyclopropane molecule is studied using quantum mechanical scattering theory. The quantum scattering calculations are performed in hyperspherical coordinates with a two-dimensional (2D) potential energy surface. The ab initio energy calculations are carried out with CCSD(T)-F12a/cc-pVTZ-F12 level of theory with the geometry and frequency calculations at the MP2/cc-pVTZ level. The contribution to the potential energy surface from the spectator modes is included as the projected zero-point energy correction to the ab initio energy. The 2D surface is fitted with a 29-parameter double Morse potential. An R-matrix propagation scheme is carried out to solve the close-coupled equations. The adiabatic energy barrier and reaction enthalpy are compared with high level computational calculations as well as experimental data. The calculated reaction rate constants shows very good agreement when compared with the experimental data, especially at lower temperature highlighting the importance of quantum tunnelling. The reaction probabilities are also presented and discussed. The special features of performing quantum dynamics calculation on the chemical reaction of a cyclic molecule are discussed.