Korean Journal of Materials Research, Vol.11, No.11, 923-928, November, 2001
고주파용 유전체 세라믹 공진기의 표면처리
Surface Treatment of Dielectric Ceramic Resonator for High Frequency Devices
An electrolytic silver plating process has been successfully developed for terminated electrode parts of dielectric ceramic resonator. High adhesion strength and high Qu is obtained and blister occurance is minimized under plating condition with HNO 3 750 mℓ/ℓ and HF 250mℓ/ℓ solution at 25 ? C for 20 minutes. Adhesion strength has the highest value, 3.2 kg/mm 2 at etching temperature of 25 ? C . Adhesion strength, Qu and blister occurance are monotonically increased with the thickness of electrodeposition layer. In case of electrodeposition of Ag, Qu value of 380 has obtained higher than in case of electrolytic Cu plating with Qu value of 325. Therefore, terminated electrode parts of dielectric ceramic resonator reducing dielectric loss can be obtained using prensent process.
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