Korean Journal of Materials Research, Vol.11, No.6, 492-497, June, 2001
통계적 실험 방법에 의한 Ta 박막의 증착 특성 연구
Characteristics of Sputtered Ta films by Statistical Method
통계적 방법을 사용하여 스퍼터 증착한 Ta 박막의 증착속도, 비저항, 면저항 균일도, 반사도, 응력 등의 물성을 측정하고 분석하였다. RS/1의 표면 반응 분석법에 의해 독립변수와 종속변수간의 함수관계를 예측하였으며. 이때 비저항과 면저항의 균일도 측면에서 최적조건은 증착 압력 2 mTorr, 증착 전력 8 W/ cm 2 및 기판온도 20 ? C 였다. 실험 모텔의 신뢰성 (fitness)은 풀링(pooling)하지 않은 경우 0.85 ~0.9의 값을 얻었다. 본 조건하에서 증착된 박막은 비저항 180 μ Ω cm와 면저항 균일도 ~ 2%의 값을 가졌다. 투과전자 현미경과 X선 회절법을 이용하여 분석한 결과 증착된 박막은 100~200 정도의 결정립 크기를 갖는 β -Ta 임을 확인하였다.
We report the characteristics and the dependence of sputter-deposited Ta films on the process parameters. The properties of as-deposited Ta films such as deposition rate, resistivity, Rs uniformity, reflectivity, and stress were investigated and analyzed as a function of process parameter using a statistical experimental method. The functional relationships between the independent and dependent variables were predicted by surface response. The optimal deposition condition of DC magnetron sputtered Ta films was obtained at the chamber pressure of 2 mTorr, power density of 8 W/ cm 2 , and substrate temperature of 2 0 ? C by means of resistivity and Rs uniformity. The fitness value for quadratic model as evaluated by the R- square was 0.85~ 0.9 without pooling. The as-deposited Ta films exhibited the resistivity of ~180 μ Ω cm with Rs uniformity of ~2%. The transmission electron microscopy and x-ray diffractometry identified that the phase of as-deposited film was β -Ta having the grain size of 100~200 A.
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