Korean Journal of Materials Research, Vol.10, No.5, 321-327, May, 2000
액상침투법을 이용한 Al 2 O 3 /TZP 복합체의 제조 및 특성
Preparation and Characteristics of Al 2 O 3 /TZP Composites Using Liquid Infiltration Technique
다공성 알루미나 소결체내부로 3Y-TZP 및 12Ce-TZP 전구체를 각각 액상침투시킴으로써 2종류의 Al 2 O 3 /TZP 복합체를 제조하였다. 소량의 (~11.0 wt%) TZP의 첨가는 Al2O3소결체 ( 1600 ? C , 2시간)의 강도 (19~59%)와 파괴인성(14~157%)을 증가시켰다. 3Y-TZP의 첨가는 복합체의 강도의 향상에 12Ce-TZP의 첨가는 인성의 향상에 보다 효과적이었다. 침투도니 TZP는 복합체의 내부보다 표면에 집중되었으며, 그 결과 이곳에서의 입성장에 빨랐고 Al 2 O 3 의입성장 억제효과도 상대적으로 뛰어났다. 입계 및 입내균열전파가 일어났으나 Al 2 O 3 /12Ce?TZP 의 경우가 Al 2 O 3 /3Y?TZP 에 비하여 입계파괴가 우세하였다.
Two kinds of Al 2 O 3 /TZP composites were prepared using the liquid infiltration of 3Y-TZP and 12Ce-TZP precursors into hte sintered porous Al 2 O 3 . Small TZP additions(~11.0wt%) had increased the strength(19~59%) and fracture toughness(14~157%) of the sintered Al2O3 material( 1600 ? C , 2h). The addition of 3Y-TZP was effective on case of the strength. By the way, in case of the fracture toughness that of 12Ce-TZP was effective. Infiltrated TZP was concentrated on the surface where its grain growth was enhanced and Al 2 O 3 grain growth was effectively inhibit-ed, when compared to the inner region of the composite. The indentation crack was propagated through both intergranular modes and transgranular and the proportion if intergranular fracture was the larger in Al 2 O 3 /12Ce?TZP.
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