Macromolecular Research, Vol.23, No.3, 245-255, March, 2015
Embryoid body size-mediated differential endodermal and mesodermal differentiation using polyethylene glycol (PEG) microwell array
Embryoid bodies have a number of similarities with cells in gastrulation, which provides useful biological information about embryonic stem cell differentiation. Extensive research has been done to study the control of embryoid body-mediated embryonic stem cell differentiation in various research fields. Recently, microengineering technology has been used to control the size of embryoid bodies and to direct lineage specific differentiation of embryonic stem cells. However, the underlying biology of developmental events in the embryoid bodies of different sizes has not been well elucidated. In this study, embryoid bodies with different sizes were generated within microfabricated PEG microwell arrays, and a series of gene and molecular expressions related to early developmental events was investigated to further elucidate the size-mediated differentiation. The gene and molecular expression profile suggested preferential visceral endoderm formation in 450 μm embryoid bodies and preferential lateral plate mesoderm formation in 150 μm embryoid bodies. These aggregates resulted in higher cardiac differentiation in 450 μm embryoid bodies and higher endothelial differentiation in 150 μm embryoid bodies, respectively. Our findings may provide further insight for understanding embryoid body size-mediated developmental progress.
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