Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Vol.26, 107-115, June, 2015
Bright zinc electrodeposition and study of influence of synergistic interaction of additives on coating properties
The nanocrystalline, bright zinc coating was produced using additives, cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) and condensation product of valine and veratraldehyde (VV). The synergistic influence of VV + CTAB and simultaneously effect of VV content in bath on surface morphology, texture and grain size of zinc electrodeposits were systematically analyzed. In addition, effect of additives on efficiency, throwing power and deposit properties like microhardness, reflectance and corrosion resistance was investigated. The study reveals that morphological and structural changes observed in presence of additives exhibits synergistic influence on improving corrosion resistance and hardness of the deposit.
Keywords:Electroplating;Brightener;Morphological;Microhardness;Synergestic effect;Corrosion resistance
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