Journal of Loss Prevention in The Process Industries, Vol.7, No.5, 403-412, 1994
The Quantum Chemical Company's ethylene plant at Deer Park was built with a philosophy of risk management which was based on loss prevention. To this end, the plant incorporates a number of concepts designed to effect early detection, containment and dispersion of hydrocarbon releases. Features include a gas detection grid system, water curtain in the furnace/boiler area with an open path infra-red detector, extensive deluge systems on equipment and in pipe racks, remote television monitoring and large portable monitors, as well as the more standard plant safety systems such as hydrants, fixed monitors and foam generators. The systems described are monitored by means of a graphic panel and alarm console located in the central control room. This centralized facility enables the operator to monitor and activate the proper subsystems and provides a visual interface between the operator and the physical plant.