Applied Chemistry, Vol.3, No.2, 64-67, October, 1999
박막 내에 포함된 수소 및 Dangling Bond와 Titanum Disilcide 결정화의 상관관계
The Correlatio of Hydrogen/Dangling Bond and crystallization of Titanium Disilicide
Titanium disilicide were fabricated by thermal annealing after being codeposited a-Si:H/Ti thin films. Titanium diffused internally to the dangling bond which was formed with depositing a-Si:H and desorbing the hydrogen of a-Si:H during annealing. The total hydrogen content and dangling bond in the a-Si:H films effect the properties of titanium disilicide. We studied about the characteristics of TiSi2 films for the total gydrogen content and dangling bond. Also, it correlated to the crystallization of titanium disilicide.