Propellants Explosives Pyrotechnics, Vol.40, No.5, 743-748, 2015
Shock Tube Effect Inside a Pyrotechnic Igniter
An output closure is a critical component of a pyrotechnic igniter. It controls the heat transfer duration of initiation train, stress loading on the propellant grain, and the pressure drop during closure deployment. Normally the pressure profiles calculated by a quasi-static interior ballistics code are adequate for igniter design evaluation. But following a case of premature closure deployment in which the propellant failed to ignite, the authors discovered that the design geometry mimicked that of a shock tube. The shock tube effect occurred whenever the high-temperature gases of the initiator were rapidly discharged into a long conduit. The shock resultant from the initiator opened the closure prior to ignition of the ignition aid. In this paper, we report results from both quasi-static computations for static pressure and time-dependent simulations for dynamic pressure. Designers need to consider both static and dynamic pressure when devices have a sudden high-pressure gas released into a conduit.