Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, Vol.561, 185-193, 2012
Optics of Cholesteric Liquid Crystals with Large Both Dielectric and Magnetic Anisotropies
Normal light transmission (reflection) through (from) a medium layer with a dielectric and magnetic helicity was discussed. The axes of dielectric permittivity tensor, (epsilon) over cap, and magnetic permeability tensor, (mu) over cap, as well as the medium helix axis are parallel each other and they are perpendicular to the boundary surfaces. The reflection and transmission matrices are constructed, and the character of the eigen polarizations (EPs) of the reflected and transmitted waves are investigated. Particularly, it is shown that a certain transmission region can rise between the diffraction and mirror reflection regions, in certain conditions. A superluminal light propagation is observed in the transmission band, in certain conditions.
Keywords:Cholesteric liquid crystals;diffraction;eigen polarizations;nanoparticles;photonics;photonic band gap;reflection;superluminal propagation;transmission