International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.96, 154-163, 2016
A review on studies of a SOM combustion model for single-and-two-phase combustion
To develop reasonable and economical turbulent combustion models is of vital importance in the simulation of single-phase and two-phase combustion in practical gas-turbine and rocket engine combustors, internal combustion engines, and industrial furnaces. Up to now, simple models, like EBU, EDM/EDC, presumed PDF-fast chemistry models, are widely used in commercial software, but frequently give unreasonable results not agreed with experiments. More advanced models, such as the G-equation model, BML model, laminar flame-let model, and conditional moment closure (CMC) model are good only for certain flame types (premixed or non-premixed) and flame structures (wrinkle flame and other flames). Presently, the PDF equation model is a more general one, but its small-scale mixing closure has some uncertainty and it requires large computational cost, in particular when using in LES. Accounting for this situation, the present author proposed a second-order moment (SOM) combustion model. Its closure is very simple. This model was used in RANS modeling and LES of both single-phase and two-phase turbulent combustion for non-premixed and premixed flames, like jet flame, swirling flame and bluff-body flame and spray flame, and is validated by experiments and DNS database of isothermal reacting flows and combusting flows. The results indicate that the SOM model is a more general one and is much better than the eddy-beak-up (EBU) and presumed PDF models, and its results are near to those obtained using the PDF equation model, but can save much more computation time than other complex models. The DNS validation shows that the closure method made in the SOM model is theoretically justified. In this paper a review of the development, application and validation of the SOM model is reported. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords:Turbulent combustion;Second-order moment model;Reynolds averaged simulation;Large-eddy simulation