International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Vol.15, No.12, 23766-23791, 2014
When Isolated at Full Receptivity, in Vitro Fertilized Wheat (Triticum aestivum, L.) Egg Cells Reveal [Ca2+](cyt) Oscillation of Intracellular Origin
During in vitro fertilization of wheat (Triticum aestivum, L.) in egg cells isolated at various developmental stages, changes in cytosolic free calcium ([Ca2+](cyt)) were observed. The dynamics of [Ca2+](cyt) elevation varied, reflecting the difference in the developmental stage of the eggs used. [Ca2+](cyt) oscillation was exclusively observed in fertile, mature egg cells fused with the sperm cell. To determine how [Ca2+](cyt) oscillation in mature egg cells is generated, egg cells were incubated in thapsigargin, which proved to be a specific inhibitor of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) Ca2+-ATPase in wheat egg cells. In unfertilized egg cells, the addition of thapsigargin caused an abrupt transient increase in [Ca2+](cyt) in the absence of extracellular Ca2+, suggesting that an influx pathway for Ca2+ is activated by thapsigargin. The [Ca2+](cyt) oscillation seemed to require the filling of an intracellular calcium store for the onset of which, calcium influx through the plasma membrane appeared essential. This was demonstrated by omitting extracellular calcium from (or adding GdCl3 to) the fusion medium, which prevented [Ca2+](cyt) oscillation in mature egg cells fused with the sperm. Combined, these data permit the hypothesis that the first sperm-induced transient increase in [Ca2+](cyt) depletes an intracellular Ca2+ store, triggering an increase in plasma membrane Ca2+ permeability, and this enhanced Ca2+ influx results in [Ca2+](cyt) oscillation.
Keywords:in vitro fertilization;wheat (Triticum aestivum;L.) egg cell;cytosolic calcium;egg activation;thapsigargin;intracellular Ca2+ store;endoplasmic reticulum