Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Vol.163, No.4, H3173-H3181, 2016
Film Permeation by Rotating Disk Voltammetry at Electrodes Modified with Electrochemically Inert Layers and Heterogeneous Composites
Steady state rotating disk voltammetry provides excellent measurement of permeability for films and layers on electrodes because the hydrodynamic control of rotating disks establishes well defined boundary layers normal to the electrode. For a redox probe present in solution and pre-equilibrated in the layer, voltammetry measures electrolysis current for the probe as the probe transports from solution, through the film, and to the electrode where the probe is electrolyzed. Diagnostic equations relate the steady state, mass transport limited current i(ss) to the rotation rate.. The incompressible layer is electroinactive about the probe formal potential. Diagnostics are available for a single layer, uniform film (Gough and Leypoldt). Uniform films are homogeneous with no structural features. Here diagnostics are provided for bilayer and multilayer uniform films, where multilayers include discretely and continuously graded films. Consideration of serial mass transport resistances normal to the electrode allows diagnostics for uniform films. Heterogeneous, micro-and nano-structured layers are structured in the plane of the electrode. Consideration of parallel mass transport resistances as part of the layer mass transport resistance yields diagnostics for heterogeneous films. Diagnostics are vetted with literature data. Theoretical and practical advantages and limitations are noted. (C) The Author(s) 2016. Published by ECS. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives 4.0 License (CC BY-NC-ND, http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/), which permits non-commercial reuse, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is not changed in any way and is properly cited. For permission for commercial reuse, please email: [email protected]. All rights reserved.