Applied Surface Science, Vol.377, 75-80, 2016
Atmospheric-pressure-plasma-jet sintered nanoporous AlN/CNT composites
A nanoporous AlN-5 wt% CNT composite is successfully sintered using atmospheric-pressure plasma jets (APPJs). The AlN in an APPJ-sintered A1N/CNT composite shows a pure hexagonal [space group: P63mc] crystal structure. Optical emission spectroscopy (OES) results indicate that the CN violet emission intensity rapidly increases and then decreases owing to the vigorous interaction between the nitrogen APPJ and the carbonaceous materials in the printed pastes. Because the vigorous interaction may over-burn the CNTs, the conductivity of AlN first increases and then decreases as the APPJ sintering duration increases. APPJ-sintered A1N/CNT composites exhibit good CF4 inductively coupled plasma erosion resistant property. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.