Journal of Petroleum Technology, Vol.48, No.6, 506-506, 1996
World-Wide-Web Primer
The Worldwide Web (WWW) is the fastest growing client/server application on the Internet. This application consists of a group of software products and a set of protocols and conventions. The WWW, based on hypertext and hypermedia technology, allows intuitive, seamless, "point-and-click" access to and interaction with information distributed across the Internet. Many think of the WWW as being solely responsible for transforming the way the Internet is accessed and used by millions of users worldwide. This paper is written assuming you have Internet access and are now interested in accessing the WWW. It introduces the WWW and covers enough of the basics to allow a new user to get started quickly. Many references to on-line resources and documentation of interest to the petroleum engineer are included. Universal resource locators (URL’s) are provided as references to this information.