Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol.97, No.50, 13126-13131, 1993
Solvent and Temperature-Dependence of Electron-Transfer in the Inverted Region
The solvent and temperature dependences of the mte constant for the electron transfer reaction Re(I)(byp.--PTZ.+)(CO)3Cl --> Re(I)(bpy-PTZ)(CO)3Cl (bpy-PTZ is 10-[4’-methyl-2,2-bipyridin-4-yl]phenothiazine) have been studied by transient absorption measurements. This reaction, which occurs in the inverted region, was induced following Re(I) --> bpy excitation of Re(I)(bpy-PTZ)(CO)3Cl and intramolecular-PTZ --> Re(II) electron transfer. On the basis of electrochemical measurements of DELTAE1/2 [DELTAE1/2 - E1/2(PTZ0/+) - E1/2(bpy0/-) and dielectric continuum theory, the variation of ln k in seven relatively polar solvents (k = 4.33 X 10(6) s-1 in benzonitrile to 6.67 x 10(6) s-1 in propylene carbonate) can be accounted for quantitatively by the energy gap law. A linear correlation between ln k and T for electron transfer in propylene carbonate over the range 223 K (k = 6.33 X 10(6) s-1) to 303 K (k = 7.11 X 10(6) s-1) is also consistent with the energy pp law. From temperature-dependent MeasureMents Of DELTAE1/2, -partial derivative DELTAE1/2/partial derivative T approximately DELTAS = 12 cal mol-1 K-1. From this value, the quantity gamma/HBARomega(M) = 3.4 eV-1 obtained from an earlier free energy dependence study, and the variation of In k with T, a solvent reorganizational energy (lambda0’) of approximately 0.4 eV can be calculated. This quantity also includes a contribution from low-frequency vibrations treated classically.