Journal of Loss Prevention in The Process Industries, Vol.43, 753-756, 2016
Process safety culture: A creative potential approach to extract more value from risk assessments
Whether driven by regulatory requirements or company risk management practices, detailed risk studies are often conducted for complex chemical facilities. While helpful for regulators, engineers and management, they often sit on a shelf once completed - at least until the next revision is due. This paper describes a simple and effective approach to extract more value from these studies. They can be leveraged to sustain operator fluency on high consequence scenarios and the safeguards which prevent them, increase the quality of safeguard verification, improve clarity of operating procedures, increase effectiveness of emergency response drills and improve the link between risk studies and training. By utilizing this approach, the studies come to life in the control room and maximize the sustainable value of the study to the organization. The studies themselves are often also enhanced during the next revision cycle because they have become more valuable to the organization. (C) 2016 Published by Elsevier Ltd.