Journal of Rheology, Vol.60, No.5, 873-882, 2016
A small-gap effective-temperature model of transient shear band formation during flow
Recent Couette-cell shear experiments of carbopol gels have revealed the formation of a transient shear band before reaching the steady state, which is characterized by homogeneous flow. This shear band is observed in the small-gap limit where the shear stress is spatially uniform. An effective-temperature model of the transient shear banding and solid-fluid transition is developed for the small-gap limit. The small-gap model demonstrates the ability of a continuum-constitutive law that is based solely on microstructural rearrangements of the gel to account for this transient behavior, and identifies that it proceeds via two distinct processes. A shear band nucleates and gradually broadens via disordering at the interface of the band. Simultaneously, spatially homogeneous fluidization is induced outside of the shear band where the disorder of the gel grows uniformly. Experimental data are used to determine the physical parameters of the theory, and direct, quantitative comparison is made to measurements of the structural evolution of the gel, its fluidization time, and its mechanical response under plastic flow. (C) 2016 The Society of Rheology.