Przemysl Chemiczny, Vol.96, No.5, 1075-1079, 2017
Comparison of activity of iron-chromium and palladium catalysts in chloral hydrate oxidation
An aq. soln. of Cl3CCHO.H2O(50 g/L) was oxidized with air O-2 in an elec. heated tubular reactor over (i) Fe-Cr and (ii) Pd catalysts at 300-550 degrees C to CO2, HCI and H2O. The oxidn. was completed at (i) 450 degrees C and (ii) 550 degrees C after 0.36 s. The substrate was supplied to an evaporator (mass flow rate of 29-32.5 g/h) at air stream 200 L/h. CH2O and Cl- concns. and total org. C were detd. in liq. reaction products. In the combustion gases, CO, Cl-2 and CH2O were found. The content of polychlorinated dibenzodioxines and furanes did not exceed the admissible value of international toxicity equiv. (0.1 ng/m(3)) in the combustion gases.