IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Vol.32, No.3, 1200-1208, 2017
Fuzzy Logic Based Adaptive Droop Control in Multiterminal HVDC for Wind Power Integration
Following a converter outage in a Multiterminal dc (MTDC) for offshore wind farm integration, the conventional droop control shares the power mismatch to minimize the impact on the wind power generation with a fixed droop coefficient; however, it may easily lead to the converter overloading and large dc voltage deviation. The paper proposes a fuzzy logic based adaptive droop controller, which utilizes the available power capacity of the converters to update the droop coefficient. It can make a compromise between the dc voltage deviation and the power sharing. Furthermore, the impact of the droop coefficient change on the stability of the MTDC grid is analyzed, and the effect of the dc-bus capacitor on the system dynamic is identified. The stability region is determined through the eigenvalue analysis. Time-domain simulations are conducted to compare the control strategy proposed with the conventional one. It has been proved that the adaptive control scheme can constantly track dynamic behaviors of the converters, and exhibit desirable response under different outage scenarios.