Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, Vol.34, No.12, 3142-3149, December, 2017
Efficiency evaluation of the photocatalytic degradation of zinc oxide nanoparticles immobilized on modified zeolites in the removal of styrene vapor from air
Styrene monomer is a volatile organic compound that has many applications in plastics, rubber, and paint manufacturing industries. Exposure to styrene vapor has certain effects, including suppression of the central nervous system, loss of concentration, weakness and fatigue, and nausea and there is a possibility of carcinogenesis in long-term exposure. Therefore, it is necessary to control and eliminate this vapor. The aim of this study was to investigate the performance of zinc oxide nanoparticles on modified natural zeolites in removing styrene vapor from the air. Natural zeolites of clinoptilolite were modified using hydrochloric acid and diphenyldichlorosilane. Next, zinc oxide nanoparticles with different ratios of 3, 5, and 10wt% were stabilized on the zeolites. To determine their characteristics, samples were used from BET, SEM and XRD analyses. The input styrene concentration and the ratio of nanoparticles stabilized on zeolites were studied as effective functional parameters on the removal process. The efficiency results of natural zeolites (Ze) and modified zeolites (Mze) in styrene adsorption from the air show that the styrene breakthrough in the bed of MZe compared to that of Ze increases approximately two times. Also, the results showed that the removal by the process of UV/MZe-ZnO 3%, UV/MZe-ZnO 5%, and UV/MZe-ZnO 10%, was 36.5%, 40%, and 26%, respectively. From the results it can be concluded that MZe can increase the efficiency of photocatalytic degradation. Clinoptilolites of Iran can be used as an adsorbent to remove polluted air in industries that have low concentrations and flow rates.
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