IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Vol.32, No.4, 1284-1296, 2017
Modeling and Control of LCC Rectifiers for Offshore Wind Farms Connected by HVDC Links
This paper presents a voltage and frequency control (VFC) and an average-value model (AVM) of a line-commutated converter for a rectifier station in an offshore wind farm (OWF) connected by a high-voltage direct current link. A capacitor bank is placed at theACterminals of the rectifier station to performVFC within the OWF. The proposed model uses the active and reactive power generated by the OWF as inputs, while the state variables are the voltage magnitude and phase angle at the capacitor bank bus. The proposed VFC is based on the orientation of the voltage vector at the capacitor bank bus toward a synchronous reference axis. It is then demonstrated that frequency control is achieved by regulating the reactive power balance at the capacitor bank bus, while voltage control is carried out by regulating the active power balance. Moreover, it is demonstrated that in a diode rectifier, although voltage cannot be controlled as in a thyristor rectifier, it is bounded within acceptable limits. In addition, small-signal study is performed to facilitate controller design and system stability analysis. VFC and the accuracy of the proposed AVM are validated by simulation, using both the proposed AVM and a detailed switching model.