Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, Vol.495, No.1, 487-492, 2018
An AT-hook protein DEPRESSED PALEA1 physically interacts with the TCP Family transcription factor RETARDED PALEA1 in rice
The cereal crops (such as rice and maize) which belong to the grass family, are the most important grain crops for human beings, and the development of their flower and inflorescence architecture has attracted extensive attention. Although multiple genes involved in the regulation of floral and inflorescence organogenesis have been identified, the underlying molecular mechanisms are largely unknown. Previously, we identified rice depressed palea1 (dp1) mutants with defects in main structure of palea and its enhancer RETARDED PALEA1 (REP1). DP1 is an AT-hook protein while REP1 is a TCP transcription factor, both of which are important regulators of palea development. However, the relationship of these two proteins has not been elucidated yet. Here, we demonstrated that DP1 interacts physically with REP1 both in yeast and in rice protoplasts. Considering the close phylogenetic relationship between maize and rice, we further hypothesize that their orthologs in maize, BARREN STALK FASTIGIATE (BAF1) and BRANCH ANGLE DEFECTIVE 1 (BAD1), may interact physically. Subsequently, we verified their physical interaction, indicating that the interaction between AT-hook proteins and TCP proteins is conserved in rice and maize. Our findings may reveal a novel molecular mechanism of floral and inflorescence development in grasses. (C) 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.