Chemical Physics Letters, Vol.695, 79-86, 2018
Dynamic evolution of aluminum nanoparticle impacted by RDX slab
A modified ReaxFF force field was used to study dynamic deformation of Al nanoparticles (ANPs) and chemical evolution of RDX/Al mixtures. When small ANPs impact RDX crystal planes, the interaction between RDX and Al at the initial stage does not affect the order of shock-induced anisotropic response of RDX crystal and different thickness of alumina shell on ANPs exhibits different capacity to resist structural deformation. When Al slab with 30 wt% is coated with a 3 nm thickness of alumina, Al slab exhibits inert characteristics and provides high compression condition to enhance decomposition of RDX molecules during the initial impact stage. (C) 2018 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.