Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, Vol.26, No.2, 259-267, 2018
Protein adsorption onto diethylaminoethyl dextran modified anion exchanger: Effect of ionic strength and column behavior
Our previous studies on bovine serum albumin (BSA) adsorption to diethylaminoethyl dextran (DEAE dextran, DexD, grafting-ligand) and DEAE (D, surface-ligand) modified Sepharose FF resins found that all the grafted resins (FF-DexD and FF-D-DexD) exhibited extremely fast uptake rate (effective diffusivity, D-e, D-e/D-0 > 1.4), which was six times greater than the ungrafted resins (D-e/D-0 < 0.3). In this work, the influence of ionic strength (IS) on 6 typical DEAE dextran-grafted resins was investigated. Bath adsorption equilibria and kinetics, breakthrough, and linear gradient elution experiments were conducted. Commercial DEAE Sepharose FF was used for comparison. It is found that protein adsorption capacities on DEAE dextran-FF resins and the commercial resin decreased with increasing IS, but DEAE dextran-FF resins exhibited much higher capacity sensitivity to salt concentration. Besides, steeper decrease of adsorption capacities could be obtained at higher grafting-ligand or surface-ligand density. It is worth noting that the facilitating role of surface-ligand to the "chain delivery" effect was weakened after adding salt, leading to the less improvement in uptake rate by increasing surface-ligand density at higher IS. Although the uptake rates of the DEAE dextran-FF resins increased first and then decreased with increasing IS, they kept the extremely high level of D-e values (D-e/D-0 > 1.1) at the their working/binding IS range. Moreover, the DEAE dextran-FF resin displayed much higher adsorption capacities and D-e values than commercial ungrafted resin in their working condition. Furthermore, the column results of DEAE dextran-FF resins presented higher dynamic binding capacities than and similar elution ISs with DEAE Sepharose FF to achieve similar (or even higher) recoveries suggest the excellent chromatographic column performance of the DEAE dextran-FF resins. Finally, both high recovery and purity of BSA and gamma-globulin could be easily achieved using the typical DEAE dextran-FF column, FF-D60-DexD160, to separate their binary mixtures, by step gradient elution. The research has provided new insights into the practical application of the series of DEAE-dextran grafted resins in protein chromatography and proved their superiority. (C) 2017 The Chemical Industry and Engineering Society of China, and Chemical Industry Press. All rights reserved.