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Energy Sources Part A-recovery Utilization and Environmental Effects, Vol.40, No.2, 244-250, 2018
Hydrogen transfer during co-liquefaction of Elbistan lignite and biomass: liquid product characterization approach
In this study, Elbistan lignite (EL) and manure were liquefied under catalytic conditions in an inert atmosphere. Red mud, tetralin, and distilled water were used as a catalyst and solvent, respectively. The liquefaction studies were carried out under catalytic conditions in the catalyst concentration of 9%, solvent/solid ratio of 3/1, reaction time of 60 min, waste/lignite ratio of 1/3, and at temperature of 400 degrees C. Stirring speed and initial nitrogen pressure were kept constant at 400 rpm and 20 bar, respectively. At the end of liquefaction process, the soluble liquefaction products were separated by successive solvent extraction to preasphaltene, asphaltene, and oils. Oil products characterized by H-NMR to be able to differ hydrogen transfer from manure to EL surface. To obtain the hydrogen transfer way, liquefaction experiments conducted under inert atmosphere which does not related to hydrogen reaction, other above experimental conditions were kept same but only solvent type changed. The reason of using distilled water instead of tetraline is tetraline known as hydrogen donor but not water. Because water behaves supercritical conditions during the liquefaction stage. EL liquefied alone while using tetraline however EL liquefied with manure with using distilled water as a solvent. The obtained oil products form both experiments characterized by H-NMR. The radical groups diffraction and range values are not changed significantly shows that manure behaved as an hydrogen donor. So, EL with manure is the one great option to reduce cost of hydrogen source for direct coal liquefaction plant.