Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, Vol.35, No.6, 1290-1296, June, 2018
Valorization of chitosan into levulinic acid by hydrothermal catalytic conversion with methanesulfonic acid
As a potential renewable aquatic resource, chitosan is the second most abundant biopolymer. Methanesulfonic acid is a catalyst that is strongly acidic and biodegradable. We used chitosan and methanesulfonic acid to produce platform chemicals via an acid-catalyzed hydrothermal reaction. In the methanesulfonic acid-catalyzed hydrothermal conversion of chitosan, an optimal levulinic acid yield of 28.21±1.20% was achieved under the following conditions: 2% chitosan and 0.2M methanesulfonic acid at 200 °C for 30 min. These results indicated that a combination of chitosan and methanesulfonic acid would be suitable for platform chemical production.
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