Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Vol.67, 140-147, November, 2018
Effects of a naturally derived surfactant on hydrate anti-agglomeration using micromechanical force measurement
The performance of a hydrate anti-agglomerant (AA) on cyclopentane (CyC5) hydrate anti-agglomeration at various concentrations (0.1 wt%, based on the oil phase) using MMF apparatus has been investigated. At low AA concentrations up to 0.01 wt%, the AA reduces the cohesion force (capillary force) by reducing the CyC5-water interfacial tension. At concentrations higher than 0.1 wt%, hydrate hydrophobicity alternation and AA’s thermodynamic inhibition effects are the main part of AA’s mechanism. Additionally, a “temporary agglomeration” phenomenon caused by surface melting of the hydrate particles is also observed, which may indicate the AA’s weak ability to produce stable water-CyC5 interface.
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