Bioresource Technology, Vol.267, 797-801, 2018
Performances study of UV/O-3-aMBR recirculation system in treating polluted surface water
This study used UV/O-3-aMBR system for treating polluted surface water with CODMn around 10 mg/L, to improve the removal of non-biodegradable components. UV/O-3 was used in the recirculation stream, partially treating the recalcitrant in aMBR permeate to improve its biodegradability, and then send back to aMBR for biodegradation. Removal performance of UV/O-3-aMBR system with recirculation ratio 20, 40, 60 and 80% was tested and compared. The removal of CODMn, UV254 and NH3-N increased with the increment of recirculation ratio. UV/O-3-aMBR system has higher recalcitrant removal performance and less membrane fouling. The fluorescent dissolved organic matter (FDOM) was largely reduced in UV/O-3-aMBR system, and the system hydrophilicity was higher than aMBR system. The Modified Stover Kincanoon model was able to describe UV/O-3-aMBR system; and has higher Umax than aMBR system. UV/O-3-aMBR can be develop as an effective technology in improving recalcitrant removal in polluted surface water treatment.