Combustion and Flame, Vol.200, 325-341, 2019
A detailed modeling study of radiative heat transfer in a heavy-duty diesel engine
In recent years, the importance of radiative heat transfer in combustion has been increasingly recognized. Detailed models have become available that accurately represent the complex spectral radiative properties of reacting gas mixtures and soot particles, and new methods have been developed to solve the radiative transfer equation (RTE). At the same time, the trends toward higher operating pressures and higher levels of exhaust-gas recirculation in compression-ignition engines, together with the demand for higher quantitative accuracy from in-cylinder CFD models, has led to renewed interest in radiative transfer in engines. Here an in-depth investigation of radiative heat transfer is performed for a heavy-duty diesel truck engine over a range of operating conditions. Results from 10 different combinations of turbulent combustion models, spectral radiation property models, and RTE solvers are compared to provide insight into the global influences of radiation on energy redistribution in the combustion chamber, heat losses, and engine-out pollutant emissions (NO and soot). Also, the relative importance of the individual contributions of molecular gas versus soot radiation, the spectral model, the RTE solver, and unresolved turbulent fluctuations in composition and temperature (turbulence-radiation interactions - TRI) are investigated. Local instantaneous temperatures change by as much as 100 K with consideration of radiation, but the global influences of radiation on heat losses and engine-out emissions are relatively small (in the 5-10% range). Molecular gas radiation dominates over soot radiation, consideration of spectral properties is essential for accurate predictions of reabsorption, a simple RTE solver (a first-order spherical harmonics - P1 - method) is sufficient for the conditions investigated, and TRI effects are small (less than 10%). While the global influences of radiation are relatively small, it is nevertheless desirable to explicitly account for radiation in in-cylinder CFD. To that end, a simplified CFD radiation model has been proposed, based on the findings reported here. (C) 2018 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Keywords:Radiative heat transfer;Compression-ignition engine;Spectral radiation modeling;Turbulence-radiation interaction;Stochastic modeling