Automatica, Vol.102, 105-110, 2019
Globally adaptive control for stochastic nonlinear time-delay systems with perturbations and its application
This paper addresses the globally adaptive state-feedback control problem for a more general class of stochastic nonlinear systems with an unknown time-varying delay and perturbations. Without imposing any assumptions on the time-varying delay, an adaptive state-feedback controller is skillfully designed by using adaptive backstepping control technique. Then, based on Lyapunov-Razumikhin lemma and stochastic stability theory, it is proven that the constructed controller can guarantee the closed-loop system to be globally asymptotically stable in probability. Finally, a practical example of stochastic chemical reactor system with time delay and perturbations is presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed control scheme. (C) 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.