Journal of Physical Chemistry A, Vol.123, No.17, 3809-3817, 2019
Performance of the Diffusion Quantum Monte Carlo Method with a Single-Slater-Jastrow Trial Wavefunction Using Natural Orbitals and Density Functional Theory Orbitals on Atomization Energies of the Gaussian-2 Set
Performance of the fixed-node diffusion quantum Monte Carlo method (FN-DMC) with a single Slater-Jastrow trial wavefunction using natural orbitals (NOs) from MP2, CCSD, CCSD(T), and CASSCF as well as density functional theory orbitals on atomization energies of the molecules in the Gaussian-2 set is investigated in this work. The effects of spin contamination and pseudopotentials (PPs) are also studied. Our results show that the DMC energy with NOs from MP2 or CCSD(T) is the lowest on average, whereas that from CASSCF is only lower than the DMC energy using Hartree Fock orbitals. Atomization energies are generally underestimated with DMC, and mean absolute deviations of DMC atomization energies are about 2.8 kcal/mol with NOs from MP2 or CCSD(T) and about 2.7 kcal/mol with NOs from CASSCF or B3LYP orbitals. The better performance of the latter two orbitals is due to a more effective error cancellation. The accuracy of the present FN-DMC is similar to CCSD(T)/aug-cc-pVQZ on atomization energies. In addition, the error of DMC atomization energies tends to be larger for molecules with multiple bonds. DMC energies of the open-shell systems with spin-restricted orbitals are generally higher than those with spin-unrestricted orbitals if spin contamination is not serious and the atomization energies are improved to some extent. Furthermore, our results indicate that the error of the PPs is rather small at the CCSD(T) level, but could be more pronounced in DMC calculations and DMC atomization energies are improved with some newly developed PPs.