Automatica, Vol.106, 70-76, 2019
Controllability of Markovian jump Boolean control networks
In this paper, controllability of Markovian jump Boolean control networks (MJBCNs) is studied via semi-tensor product of matrices. First, based on the algebraic expression of the considered Boolean control networks, a necessary and sufficient condition for controllability is presented by iteration equations, which however may lead to high-dimensional matrices. To avoid having such matrices, a new matrix is defined and applied to derive another equivalent condition to verify controllability of MJBCNs. Moreover, a maximum principle of MJBCNs is established to further study the minimal controllable time. Finally, two examples are presented to illustrate the obtained results. (C) 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords:Controllability;Markovian jump Boolean networks;Minimal controllable time;Semi-tensor product